lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Caresser / Acariciar a Venezuela

Revisando "entradas antiguas" recordé la visita que nos hiciera Tania de Montaigne en abril, en el marco de la Fiesta de la Francofonia y en solidaridad con la grave situación que sufriera Haiti a principios de este año (clickaquí impresionante la manera en como pasa el tiempo...)

Lo cierto es que conseguí uno de esos vídeos que me obligan a verlos más de diez veces seguidas, enmarcados con una música suave, que se involucra con las imágenes y hace que éstas hablen, contando su historia particular.

Caresser (acariciar), con sus notas a jazz y bossa, se une perfectamente al paisaje urbano, a los parques nacionales, al color y al calor de la gente de este país; en el que aún tantos (incluyéndome) se atreven a creer, amar, preocupar. No faltaran los que quieran darle un cariñito a Venezuela y quieran acariciarla.

Tania en su simpatía, en su toda sonrisa, en su oscuridad envolvente, devela en este video particularidades tan venezolanas, espacios tan típicos, tan comunes... que nos hace pensar en todo lo que tenemos y la poca importancia que le damos.

Espero ustedes los disfruten tanto como lo hizo el Señor Preludio.

I think I am joining the growing amount of bloggers that upload english traslations to their works. Im not pretending to show my skills or my non-english-abroad-studies. I really do not care about misspelling. So, as my "Mr Prelude bio" is written in the language of Shakespeare, Im going to start writing a little bit in english. I wont write in english the same thing I wrote in spanish, It will probably change a lot. I dont know how a lot of bloggers do to find a perfect translation to their work. I guess they write both blocks of text at the same time.

I cant do that, It is just too messy...

Here I go:

Looking in my "old posts" I remembered the visit of Tania de Montaigne, a french singer that came to our country near april, to celebrate the "Fete de la Francophonie" (a world wide party to commemorate the use of french as a multicultural language) She also showed up to support the victims of the haitian earthquake , (Venezuela has a significant population of haitians).

The true fact is that googling Tania, I found out one of those videos that forced me to watch them over 10 times and even more... Those well made videos, framed with special music, that makes their visuals talk for themselves; telling and intimate and particular story.

Caresser (to caress), with its jazz and bossa melodies, sticked perfectly to our urban relief , to the national parks, to the heat and colour of our people (including me), people trying to love, believe, care ... There will always exist people caring about Venezuela, trying to caress our eventful nation.

Tania, with her charm, being a 24/7 full smile, with her beautiful covering darkness, shows in this video the venezuelan particularities, the typical spaces, the common places... so she makes us think in all the things we have here, and how careless we are about them.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did...

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